Monday, November 1, 2010


(Kr)  What doing?

(Ke)  Just got home from happy hour.  What you doing?

(Kr)  Oh, just painting my nails purple over a layer of black.  Out of nail polish remover.  It's high class over here.

(Ke)  I will need a picture of that.  Have you had a few vinos?

(Kr)  Just a few.  It looks amazing-ish.  Take my word for it.

(Ke)  I can't do that.


Every picture I take makes my hand look creepy.

(Ke)  Well, you have a case of creepy hand.  Don't be ashamed.

(Kr)  It's going to murder your face...but look faaaaaabulous doing it.

(Ke)  You should make a Halloween costume around that hand.

(Kr)  Purple Pie Man.  Or Prince.

(Ke)  Purple Pie Prince.  Or Purple Prince Man.

(Kr)  Or creepy purple nail lady with no polish remover.  That's frightening.

(Ke)  I just got chills.  Thanks in advance for the nightmares.

(Kr)  I always pre-order my night terrors.  I have an iPhone app for it.  I may just amputate my hands in lieu of getting polish remover.  We have knives here.  Don't have to go to the store.

(Ke)  Don't get drastic.  Do you have pliers?  Just pull those suckers out.

(Kr)  Genius!!

(Ke)  I could talk about your nails and laziness all night but beddie bye is calling.

(Kr)  I heard that, homegirl.  Sorry about that.

(Ke)  I'm pretty forgiving but I do not accept.....ok, I reconsidered.

(Kr)  You're swell, Beave.

(Ke)  Keep digging.  Love you.

(Kr)  Love you.

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