Monday, July 9, 2012

Ya Winfrey Some, Ya Lose Some

(Kr)  Honestly, do you think Tyler Perry will ever stop making Madea movies?  I'm trying to make a life plan and my future happiness depends on the answer to this question.

(Ke)  Never.  You'll lead an unhappy life.  Sorry.

(Kr)  Wow.  No false hope, huh?  So, unrelated, how do you tie a slip knot?  Asking for a friend.

(Ke)  Nope.  He's got Oprah on his side.  You take the two ends and loop  . . . wait a minute . . .

(Kr)  Is Oprah still a thing?

(Ke)  According to her.

(Kr)  Then it's debatable.  (Oprah's not reading these texts, is she?  I just got the fear of god/Oprah that this could get back to her.)

(Ke)  Oops.  (I mean Opes.)

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