Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Busting The Block

(Ke)  We finally got rid of Blockbuster and got Netflix.

(Kr)  Welcome to '85.  1885.

(Ke)  Joe was list holding on but I said no more.

(Kr)  List holding?

(Ke)  Just holding.

(Kr)  Ah, that's easier to understand.  The sentence.  Not why you guys still have Blockbuster.  Or ever had it.

(Ke)  Look, it came with the package.  The package being Joe.  It just took me a while to wiggle my way in and destroy his whole way of movie watching.

(Kr)  You're a cinematic mastermind.

(Ke)  I just really hate going to the video store.  That's what it boils down to.  There's just something about walking sideways looking for a movie that angers me.

(Kr)  Walking sideways is not great in any scenario.

(Ke)  They need to install walking sidewalks, not that that's a good financial move since they probably won't be in business in a few years as it is.

(Kr)  Years?  Months, Tootsie Pop.  Months.

(Ke)  Can that be my new nickname?

(Kr)  Sure, but I spelled it wrong.  It's Tootsie Poop.  There's your new nickname.  Forever.

(Ke)  Ah, rats.  Mom makes more sense.

(Kr)  What'd ya say?  Mom Poop?  Ok, that's it.  No more changes.

(Ke)  Blasted.

(Kr)  I need to take a shower, Mom Poop.  I love ya.

(Ke)  Love you.

(Kr)  Poop.

(Ke)  Ok.  I get it.  Go shower already.

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